My Xenserver or XCP-ng has Some VM's are Missing after Failure


Some VM's are missing after Xenserver failure

Without HA feature there is no mechanism enabled which checks if the host which went down had any VMs running at the time of the failure. There is no mechanism which updates the database with the information that the VMs which were running on the failing host should be marked as halted after the crash.

So, when you do not have the possibility to enable HA you can do the following to make the VMs available in XenCenter again:

1. Locate the VMs which were running on the failed host with the following command:
xe vm-list resident-on --multiple
You can determine the UUID of the host which failed by running the `xe host-list` command.

2. reset the power status of the VMs to halted using the following command:
xe vm-reset-powerstate vm= force=true​e>

(repeat this step for all VMs which were running on the failed host)

Once you reset the powerstate of the VM using the above command, the VM should appear in XenCenter again and can be started on another XenServer host.

NOTE: make sure that the VM you reset to halted using the vm-reset-powerstate command is actually powered off (e.g. because it was running on a XenServer which really failed) and not running on any other XenServer. Do NOT use this command while simulatingthe failure of a XenServer by stopping only the network of the host.



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